Tuesday, 24 January 2017

7. The Death of Democracy (TEITBR)

Jan 24th 2017, the day the supreme court gave their ruling on whether the Uk govt can trigger article 50, for leaving the EU, without the need for agreement from Parliament. By a majority of 8 to 3, they ruled the government do need approval from parliament.

So, what this has done, in one fell swoop, is killed democracy in the United Kingdom. Ignore what the case was about and just consider the simple facts:
The Uk had a referendum which was put to the whole of the voting population, with a 'Yes' or 'No' option. The population voted for outcome 'Yes' ... we are ignoring what it was about... it is irrelevant. A group of people didn't like this, brought a case in the High Court that ruled Parliament has to decide. This has now been ratified by the Supreme court. 

 So the people say one thing, and Parliament says another (maybe..).... and the courts have decided that is correct!
Update - the government (House of Commons) ratified a bill to allow the current Prime Minister to enact Article 50. This has now gone before the House of Lords.

Think about that for a minute. 

So, what has been decided now is that any vote put forward by the Uk population can be put before the courts to ratify. This means absolutely everything: 
  • General Elections 
  • Local elections 
  • Nuclear Power Stations
  • Railways
  • Planning
Every single time you are asked for a vote, it is meaningless unless the courts and parliament agree with you.... or specifically those who have access to the courts and parliament, and the money to influence, can overturn your decision.

Remember this next time you take time off work to vote.. it is pointless. We are now a non-democratic country.
The UK law works on 'case law'. Once a single case has been enacted (like todays), then that can be used as an example, and has now become Uk law.

Specifically for the EU referendum, what should have happened is that the will of the people should have been followed. Those that disagreed should then have started a movement to re-enter the EU, once we had left. Scotland, who voted overwhelmingly to stay, should have gone for independence, and then applied to join as a smaller nation. 
That is the Democratic way. 

Its a sad day for the UK, when the courts now govern everything we do. In fact, not even the 600+ MPS, but 11 people have the final say on any decision that we decide to make. Is this the country you want to live in?       

The MPS should actually vote according to what their constituents say. That will be interesting, as a Liberal has already said he will vote with his heart (a Remainer), despite his constituents voting to leave.

For the record, the actual results, taken form the Office of National Statstics showed the following:
33.5 m valid votes
              Remain                   Leave
              16.14m                    17.41                                    Single Votes
              121                          261        31.59% / 68.15%   Ballot Areas
                   4                             9        30.77%/ 69.23%    15 Group Areas

From Nomura
                39%                        61%                                    Constituencies
                73%                        27%                                    MPS declared voted               
Lets see where this takes us, but it is the death of democracy, whichever way you look at it. In fact.. as an after thought, the PM can actually ignore the Supreme Court, based totally on their own ruling. 
Remember the UK population pay for the MPS, and the Supreme and High Courts. The UK population gave its answer, and those who we pay for have reverted that answer. Try that with your employer :-) 

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